Dr. Ted Golden's past campaigns and opinions concerning best 2024 Candidate for Michigan House of Representatives, District 55

​Rochester, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township

Welcome to Ted Golden, M.D.

Seeking Your Vote from District 55

Seniors, I am a senior, I have your back

I am 75 years old and probably the oldest person running for the Michigan House of Representatives.  I am interested in looking after my best interests as both a senior citizen and a veteran having served in the Navy.  Most people will one day be senior citizens, so everyone should be concerned about their status.  Senior citizens should be very upset with the fact that Governor Synder and the Republicans eliminated the tax breaks seniors received concerning pension income in order to gain tax revenue to replace the tax revenue lost when they eliminated businesses taxes.  I will advocate for seniors to get a larger exemption on their state tax return and other tax breaks. 

One of my main campaign issues is to allow all medical expenses to be subtracted from gross income before taxes are calculated, which is currently not allowed on the Michigan Form 1040.  This is the number one disparity in heathcare.  Many seniors are adversely impacted by this economic discrimination, and it is getting worse due to rapidly increasing medical expenses.   

My Medicare Medigap insurance premiums more than doubled from 2016 to 2017.  I completely retired from my medical practice during 2017, and I am now self paying my medical expenses including health insurance premiums with after tax dollars.  In 2008 when I ran for the first time I went to a healthcare forum at the OPC where Bishop, Garfield, and Congressman Knollenberg held center stage.  I presented the plight of those that self pay medical expenses to them.  I contacted Bishop's office several times while tax reform was being formulated.  In typical Bishop fashion he publicly suggested that he was for allowing medical expenses to be deducted, but such was not actually the case.  

Many of you seniors and near seniors will find yourselves self paying for health insurance premiums and medical expenses with after tax dollars.  Others will be more fortunate and have retiree healthcare benefits.  From a tax stand point everyone should be treated the same.

I am concerned about transportation for seniors when they are too old to drive.  Public accommodations for seniors will need government oversight.  Protecting seniors from those who wish to take advantage of them is another concern.  Adequate affordable senior friendly housing will be a problem for many seniors.  The state must ensure that nursing homes are up to standards.  The government has an important role in seeing that seniors live a fulfilling life. 

Ted Golden, M.D.