Changes Are Needed

Ted Golden, M.D.


You will note that I have listed some issues not on the average candidate's agenda.  Perhaps, some of these issues you have not given too much thought.  I am for protecting, empowering, and promoting the individual.  Michigan is not doing well when compared to many other states, and we continue to decline.  Other states are doing better.  I have looked at the best practices of other states that are doing better.  Much has to be done to improve the living climate in Michigan for everyone.  We should not cling to our old guarded ways when better approaches are at hand.  What worked 50-60 years ago when our state's constitution was last rewritten or even the recent past may not cut it today.  Changes are needed.


Dr. Ted Golden's past campaigns and opinions concerning best 2024 Candidate for Michigan House of Representatives, District 55

​Rochester, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township

Welcome to Ted Golden, M.D.

Seeking Your Vote from District 55